giovedì 15 novembre 2018

Blood Bowl Dark Elf

I've finally managed to finish this amazing Sukubus Studio witches team for out upcoming local Blood Bowl League

here my Ghrond Tower Magiks

hope you like them :)

giovedì 10 maggio 2018

Fantasy Football RATMEN!

Oh boy,
Blood Bowl has been always the game I played the most and really got me in paining minis back in the glorious '90s

Here a project I've finished these days, the offering for 3rd party models is amazing and the quality is very high

These models are from willy miniatures, with a little tweak to fit my pirate themed Spineport Black Pox skaven team

Hope you like them!

mercoledì 11 aprile 2018

Tancred de Hauteville at the First Crusade

Here my take on some classic early Crusaders from Perry Miniatures
even if they are on the "small side" 28mm, their proportions are just perfect, and the horses, simply the best on the market.

I know heraldry wasn't quite a thing (yet) but I've decided to use later Hauteville Coat of Arms on Tancred shield, and a consistent palette on the rest of his retinue.

I can't wait to start to paint the rest of a quite chunky, at least for my standard, order I've done (24 horsemen!)

Hope you like them :)

lunedì 9 aprile 2018

Kings of the Isles! Saga Norse Gaels

I'm a big fan of Footsore Miniatures for their unique style, very consistent thorough the whole Dark Age range. The guys are excellent, very kind and they supplied me with a whole bunch of dane axes that I've used to convert some models for this new project.

I wanted a Sea Wolves salty, cold look, so I opted for a muted palette, I've decided to use a light blue (instead of my usual off white/buff) to brighten the colors to make the highligths 

This is what I have done so far:

Brodir Of Man (you can get the same model here)

Irish Warlord (special edition model)

Irish Fianna with hand weapon

martedì 2 gennaio 2018

Anglo Saxon Warband -SAGA-

I recently finished to paint my 6 point Anglo Saxon Warband for Saga
here the pictures, hope you like them!

The Warlord with Wessex's White Wyvern banner


lunedì 13 marzo 2017

Panzer VI Tiger II King Tiger 501st Ardenne 1944

Painting a King Tiger II Step By Step

Tiger II (Panzer VI ausf B)
501st SS heavy Tank Battallion (Schwere Panzer Abteilung 501)
Ardenne Winter 1944
Warlord Games 1:56 for Bolt Action

Step1: Primer
I tend to use what I have at hand, this time it's a normal hardware shop light grey primer. The best I've used to far it's Tamiya Grey Fine Surfice Primer, I'm not airbrushing it up, as I'm lazy and I don't want to deep clean my pen every time :)